My research interests are in the general area of Representation Theory. More precisely, Weight modules over finite- and infinite-dimensional Lie algebras and Lie superalgebras; Harish-Chandra modules; Geometry of infinite-dimensional flag manifolds, homogeneous spaces and D-modules; Borel-Weil-Bott theory of infinite-dimensional homogeneous spaces; Supergeometry. For more details, see some of my papers below.

Ind-varieties of generalized flags as homogeneous spaces for classical
ind--groups, preprint, 2001, 14 pp. (with I. Penkov)

A Bott-Borel-Weil theory for direct limits of algebraic groups, American Journal
of Math., to appear. (with I. Penkov and J. A. Wolf)

On the structure of weight modules, Transactions AMS 352 (2000), 2857-2869.
(with O. Mathieu and I. Penkov)

Weight modules of direct limit Lie algebras, IMRN (1999), # 5, 223-249.
(with I. Penkov)

Partially integrable highest weight modules, Transformation Groups 3
(1998), 241-253. (with I. Penkov)

Partially and fully integrable modules over Lie superalgebras,
Studies in Advanced Mathematics (series editor S.-T. Yau), 4, AMS and
Internatl. Press 1997, 49-67. (with I. Penkov)

Rational solutions to the Toda lattice hierarchy and irreducible
representations of the Virasoro algebra, unpublished preprint, 1994, 13 pp.